How to Use a Vibrator on a Woman

Whether she’s looking for clitoral stimulation, the sensation of penetration and in-and-out movement, hitting the G-spot, or anal play, a vibrator can do it all.

Especially if she’s trying out a new toy, it’s important for her to take her time and ease into the experience. Always use a lube—preferably water-based on silicone vibrators.

Start Slow and Natural

As with anything new, it’s important to ease into the experience. “You want to start on a very low setting and slowly work your way into arousal,” Stewart says. Most vibrators come with a variety of speeds, and it’s important to take your time to figure out which one works best for you.

It can also be helpful to use the vibrator on a non-sexual body part before bringing it into the bedroom. You can test out different settings on your own or with a partner to see what feels good and where the pleasure is triggered. This can help you be more confident when introducing the toy during sexual intercourse.

You can also try using the toy for oral sex, which can be particularly pleasurable for some women. You can gently press the vibrator against the cheek or mouth and move it around to explore different sensations. It can even be inserted into the vagina for extra stimulation during penetrative sex.

Vibrators can also be used to stimulate the clitoris in positions like reverse cowgirl and spooning. It can add a new level of excitement to these types of intimate moments with your partner and can also encourage more sexual intercourse between the two of you. However, if this is something you plan on doing regularly it’s important to make sure that your partner is comfortable with the idea.

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Don’t Overdo It

If you want to use your vibrator with a partner, it’s important to make sure to use plenty of lube. It will reduce friction and make for a more comfortable experience all around. It’s also a good idea to have a debrief afterwards to talk about how you both felt about the experience, and what could be improved for next time.

If your clitoris feels unresponsive after using a vibrator, don’t worry. That’s a normal reaction, especially if you’re new to the toy. “Even a low setting can numb the clitoris and vulva,” says sex therapist Sarah Berry, but it will return to feeling after 10 minutes or so. If it doesn’t, try using a lower setting on your toy or adding lube to your body and the part of the toy that’s touching you.

Some vibrators, like bullets and wands, are designed for clitoral stimulation. You can run it along the length of the clitoral hood, tap it against the glans (head), or hold it pressed against the clit and vulva. It’s a lot of fun and can help bring an extra dimension to masturbation.

Of course, if you’re constantly going all-in with the vibrator, it’s possible to damage your clitoris. In that case, it would be wise to consult a doctor and stop using the toy for a while.

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Don’t Be Afraid to Try Something New

For those looking to increase their pleasure with a vibrator, sex expert Jenn Chang recommends exploring all of the different ways a vibrator can be used. “Our erogenous zones respond differently to stimulation, and what may work for one person might not for another,” she says. “You should explore all the possibilities, including putting a vibrator directly on your clit, along both sides of your labia or vulva, or even on the shaft or perineum.”

In addition to exploring what feels good when you use a vibrator with a partner, try using it in positions that you wouldn’t normally consider. Depending on the type of vibrator, this could include masturbation, which is actually a lot more fun than most people think.

The best way to start is to go into an adult store, where you’ll find a friendly staff that isn’t afraid of talking about dilators, anal plugs, and other sexual toys with customers. They’ll be able to answer questions, guide you through the various options, and give you tips on how to get the most out of your purchase.

When you’re ready to start playing with a vibrator, make sure it’s clean. Use a toy cleaner or mild soap and water, and remember to rinse thoroughly. Also, be sure to use a water-based lube, as it will help prevent friction.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Feedback

Vibrators are often seen as sex toys for masturbation alone or with a partner, but many people also use them during intercourse to enhance their sexual experience. They can help stimulate the clitoris and can even increase orgasm during intercourse.

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If you’re unsure how to use a vibrator, you can always ask for help from a sales associate in person at a physical store. They can guide you in real time as you try out different settings and erogenous zones to figure out what feels good. You can also read reviews on the internet and watch videos on YouTube to see how other people enjoy using their vibrators.

When shopping for a vibrator, choose one that is made from nonporous material like silicone or hard plastic (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene). This will keep it clean and safe to touch, preventing infection and STIs when you share it with a partner. You should also make sure to clean it after every use. This will not only reduce the risk of infection, but it will also prevent bacteria from growing inside the toy and causing an odor or triggering a painful sensation in your penis or vagina.

Wand vibrators are designed to be used externally, on erogenous zones like the nipples, inner thigh, behind the ear, shaft, or perineum. They can also be used to massage the neck, scalp, and hands. Ultimately, the best way to find out how to use a vibrator is to explore with a partner and decide what areas of the body feel the most stimulation for each individual.

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