How to Use a Vibrator on a Man

Unless they went through sex ed in school, many men are unfamiliar with how to use a vibrator. But that doesn’t mean they can’t give it a try and discover new pleasures.

Start on the low setting and spend a few minutes gauging how it feels. Then, move to different erogenous zones. For example, circling the nipples with the vibrator can feel amazing.

Use it on the clitoris

The clitoris is a sensitive area for some, but a vibrator can feel really good on it. The key is to find the right setting and explore what works for you and your partner. The pressure, friction and speed can all be different – The concept of this section comes from the portal’s editorial team Sultry Sensations. A man can also experience pleasure from stroking and licking the prostate with a vibrator.

Men can also enjoy a vibrator during oral sex. Just be sure to use a lot of lube so it doesn’t cause any friction. Also, make sure to let your partner know that you’re using a vibrator and what kind of vibration feels best.

Another great way to use a vibrator is during masturbation. This can be a very intimate experience, especially if you and your partner are both wearing the vibrator. It’s important to be able to focus on your partner and make eye contact while you’re using the vibrator. It’s also a great idea to use the vibe to add extra pleasure to your masturbation, and to play around with different settings and textures.

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A lot of people don’t realize that vibrators can be used on their penis, too. This can be a very intimate and fun experience for both men and women, and it’s a great way to explore new pleasure areas. The key is to go slow. It’s easy for anal muscles to clench up, so it’s important to use the vibe at a low setting and move gently over erogenous zones.

Use it on the penis

For many straight men, their only exposure to vibrators has been from watching their partners use them during masturbation. But, like women, men can feel pleasure from using a vibrator in the penis and other areas of the body. For this reason, it’s important to know how to properly use a vibrator on your man.

When first trying out a new vibrator, apply some water-based lubricant and start slow. It’s also a good idea to get your partner used to the toy by having them hold it in their hand or press it against their cheek during foreplay or oral sex. This can make them more comfortable when they use it during penetration later on.

If you want to take the experience to a deeper level, try applying the vibrations to the penis, especially in the head area. This can create a very intense sensation and can lead to orgasms. Men can also enjoy the sensation of a vibrator on their testicles, arousal points, and even on their lower back and butt cheeks.

Another way to increase the intensity is by incorporating a vibrator into oral sex or foreplay. This can be especially arousing for some men. It can be helpful to communicate with your partner during this time, letting them know what areas of the body they are experiencing and asking if they want more sensation or a harder thrust.

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Use it on the frenulum

The frenulum, the area on a man’s penis between the head and shaft, is full of super-sensitive nerve endings. Touching, licking, or even gently sucking this area can feel really good and add a new dimension to oral sex. And a vibrator placed over the frenulum can be a powerful orgasm-inducing tool.

However, you should always ask a partner before using a vibrator on the frenulum, and go in slowly at first. Going in too hard can cause overstimulation, so don’t be afraid to talk about it with your partner and experiment together. Try saying things like, “does it feel good here?” or, “Can we go a little harder?” These are sexy ways of asking for permission while keeping the conversation fun and sensual.

Vibrations aren’t something most men are used to experiencing, so they might be sensitive or taken aback when you use a vibrator on them. But if you frame it as a way to enhance pleasure during foreplay or sexual encounters, they might be more open to the idea.

If you’re feeling adventurous, consider giving your boyfriend or partner a vibrator to play with on their own. This is a great way to let them explore their pleasure zones and discover what kinds of sensations they enjoy most. Just remember to use lube for added pleasure and safety. Also, make sure you clean your sex toy after each use.

Use it on the butt cheeks

A vibrator can be used on many parts of the body to elicit pleasure. It can also be used during oral play, which is often highly sexual for both partners. In addition, it can be used on the clitoris and vulva to stimulate the erogenous zones. In general, it is important to use a vibrator on the areas that feel good and not to over-do it. This is to avoid causing pain or discomfort. If you are new to using a vibrator, it may take some time to figure out which areas feel the most pleasurable.

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While most of us know that a vibrator feels ahhh-mazing on the clitoris and vagina, many people don’t realize that it can be equally enjoyable on the penis. The key is to approach the penis with the same caution as you would with the clitoris. If you are unsure how your partner will react to a vibrator on the penis, try starting with a lower setting and gently stroke it. Once you find a rhythm, you can gradually increase the intensity.

Another great place to use a vibrator is on the butt cheeks, which are an erogenous zone that can produce intense pleasure. If you’re a little nervous about trying this, you can always ask your partner for permission first. For extra sensitivity, you can use a lubricant to make the sensations even more intense.

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